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A Wellness Guide With Video for These Uncertain Times



“Wellness offer something for everyone.” Kristin Meekhof

During this stressful and uncertain time, it is important to remember what we can control. And our wellness, how we relate to ourselves and others is one of those things we can control.  We can control hand washing (as recommended by the CDC), how often we engage in social media, and we can control our breath which is part of wellness.

We can also put some simple things in place to give a sense of routine, which will anchor our day in well-being.  I created this Wellness Guide (plus video ) , for Katie Couric’s Wake-Up Call newsletter, to help us feel grounded. My hope is that it will nourish and strengthen both our bodies and minds but to cultivate a sense of calm. Each day offers a different aspect of wellness to focus on. This guide provides healthy habits, and it is important to get your doctor’s approval before beginning to use this guide.  As you know, there is no quick fix to feeling safe, but taking care of our bodies and thoughts can create healthy empowerment and enhance resilience.

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Tips for Managing Overwhelm & Maintaining Well-Being During COVID-19

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Dear Ones,

Thank you for taking time to join me here on my page.

As you know, emotional well-being is critical during this time. As such, I’m focusing my work on sharing ways to help you manage the overwhelm and providing you healthy ways to maintain your emotional well- being.

Last week, my heart skipped a few beats when I received a message from Maria Shriver. She requested that I write a piece for her “Sunday Paper”. My piece  “8 Ways to Help You Maintain Emotional Well-Being”  is live today.  It is an honor I’m beyond grateful for.

I was given the privilege to be a guest on CNN’s New Day with Alisyn Camerota. I shared some ways to manage COVID-19 anxiety. This interview is based on my Medium piece I wrote for Katie Couric’s daily newsletter “Wake- Up Call”.

New Day / CNN - March 19, 2020

New Day / CNN – March 19, 2020

I hope that you’ll find these pieces helpful for you in managing your stress during this unprecedented times. If you find your fears are disabling and preventing you from working or being able to keep up with your daily responsibilities, you should contact your doctor immediately. They may recommend you seek professional therapy. Many mental health professionals, like myself, do work remotely, so you won’t need to worry about a commute. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness. It can help you discern what actions and next steps are healthy for you.

If there is a topic you’d like for me to write or speak about, please email me at

In Good Health,
